what to do with old music Project file, "revive"

kr 266,43 NOK

Make sure you have Ableton Live Suite 11.3.11 for project file compatibility

no serum presets cuz i’m a wavetable head now

lots goin on here cuz i resampled stuff like 3 times over

lmk if u want me to go over some of the mixing things I did in this song

Here's whats inside:

  • FB2B - Here’s what to do with your old music Project File - Ableton

3rd Party PLUG-INS used

(not required, but ideal for max compatibility)

LVC-Audio Clip Shifter (FREE)

Spitfire Labs

Devious Machines Duck

Baby Audio Smooth Operator


(P.S. pls leave a Like on this post if it helped you out**)**